Sunday, December 30, 2007

Day 148 - My big break... on the radio.

So, five months almost to the day from when I decided to jettison the trappings of a nerdy bureaucrat to dabble in journalism, it seems I've finally broken in. In Cincinnati.

The brave, kind folks at NPR's Cincinnati affiliate, WVXU, ran the six-and-a-half minute piece on Sunday morning based on interviews I did with a bunch of folks attending Cincinnati Night at Edward's Restaurant in TriBeCa.

My deep thanks to: Brady Richards for the lead on such a fun story (and a great primer on Cincinnati, much of which you'll hear on the piece); Marcos Suiero who donated two valuable evenings away from his wonderful family to engineer the sound so that it actually sounds like a real NPR piece (and, by extension, to the very patient Lorna & little Daniela); and to Gerry Donnelly at WVXU for giving me a shot and for helpful feedback for the next time.

1 comment:

Teaneck T said...

Mark, I finally listened to this piece and am SUPER IMPRESSED with it. Huge congratulations to you. You sound so professional, like a seasoned broadcast journalist, and the narrative is even and flowing. It's an enjoyable piece. Is this how you talk nowadays? You're not that far removed from Walter Cronkite, from how this piece sounds. I really am proud of you for how far you've come in your work. Thanks for sharing with me this link.